Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

tiJ the Chief of Sin'ltets~ I 67 rather to Rebuke thofe that did ; and as it was hi3 ConverfJtion, fo it is manifefl:ed 011 thofe Book5 he has caus'd to be Publifhcd to the \Vorld :, where like . the .. ~ ·eh-Angel difputing with Satan, about the Body of , Mo{es,. as we find it in the Epiftle of St J-ude brings Railing, Accufation; ( but leaves the Rebt1kers , ,thofe that perfecuted ·hi1n,) to · the Lord. In his Family) he , kept up ·a very ft riB: ,_ Difcipline, .in Prayer and Exho t tations, be... ing in this like jojhua, as that good ' MJn Expreffes it, viz... Whatever others did ; as. for -me and rny, Hot-t(e, tl!C will ferve the Lord; and indeed a Bleffing w~ir~d upnn his La– bours and Endeavours, fo that his Wife as the P{almifl fays, W.ts like a pleafant Vi r; e upon the Walls of his Houfe., a-nd his Children l ,ke olive Branches round his T,abl t-, fo~ · fo jhvt!l it be w.t1 the Man that fears the Lord, and though hy, Re1fon of the many Loifes he Clitained by l1nprifonment anri Sp')il of his ch.1rg Jble ·Sicknefs; fD'c. his EJ.rth[y Treafures fweiled · . not to exce[" ; he always had fufficieat, to – live deceutly and credibly; _and with t hat 4~ he had t:he gre1teft of·aH Treafures, which is c~ntent; for as the Wife ~1Jn f3.ys, Tlutt i s. a conti'ht-utl Fea[f. But where conteilt dwells, even a poor Cottage is a Kingly Paiace; and this Happiaefs he had all his Life long, not fo much minding this vVorld, as -~I!~~!og he Wal$ l1ere asia Pilgrim and .. ~ i3 ?tranger,