Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief ofSinners · 1:6!} . ,- ·--- .., things to the beft, for acco~modation, returning to ],on4on, and. betng. overta~en · - \l:ith exceffive Ra1ns, ~omtng to hts Lodgtng extream ·wet, fell fick of a violent Feavor, which he bore vvith m·uch conftancy. and patience,andexpreifed himfelf,as if he defirea nothing [nore than to be diffolved, and to be with Chrift in that cafe, efteen1ing Death as · gain,and Life only a tedious delayirrg felicity expeeted;. and find~ng .his .v·it1l fi~ength decay, hav·1ng fetled h1s mtnd and affaus,. as well as the fhortnefs of his time, and the violence of the difeafe would permit, with a Conftant and Chriftian Patience,he refign'd his Sour into the hands of his n1ofl: merciful' Reedemer, foUowing his Pilg.rim from tpe City of DeftruB:ion, ·to the new Jerufalem ; his better part having been all along there, in holy Con~emplation, pantings and brea• things after the hidden M~nna, and Wat€r oi Life, as bymany holy and humble Gonfola- .tions expreft in his ·Letters, to feveral Perfons in Pri,fon., and out of Prif<;>n,too many to be– here inferted at prefent. He died at the Hou(e of one Mr. Straddocks a· Grocer, at the Star on Snow hill, in the Parifh of St. Sepulchers , London, on the I2ofAttguft t688. an in the 6o Year of his Age, after ten days Sickaefs; and \.x;as buried in theNew burying· Place, near the Artillery Ground, where he fleeps to the Morning of the RefurreB:ion, in ~o_p~s of agl~~~o.usl~ifw~., to an incorrup- . · ~ , ' ~· -· - tible ... __--