Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

1:7o ·, Grace Abpunding"· ' tible Im1fuorta1ity of Joy and Happinefs, wh~re nd n1ore Trouble and Sorrow lhall aflliS: him;, but all tears be wjped away, when the J uft Ihal1 be incorrupted, as Memb_ers of Ghrift their Hea8·, and Reign with him, as ··, Kings ~nd Prieils for eveL . ( \ \ ·--~- ---- ·A !Jrief C!JaralJ:er of ivlro -John Bunyan~ . HE appeared in ·Countenance, to be of a . ftern and roug·h Temper ; b,ut in his . converfation tnild and affd.ble, not given, to Loquacity or nn1ch Difcourfe in company, ~ . unlefs fome urgent occafion required it ; ; obferving never to hoaft of himfelf, or his Parts, but rather feen1low in his own Eye~, , and fubmit himfelf to the Judgment of others, abhorring Ly.ing and Swearing,being ~ jtift in aU-that lay in his .Power to his ·word, · not feeming to revenge Injuries, loving to reconcile differences, and make .friendihip, withal,he had a rnarpquickEye,accompli!h~d v.:rith an Exce11ent difc~rning ofPerfons;b~ing of good Judgtnent and qu~ck Wit. As for his Perfon he was ·ran of St~ture, ftrong \ Boned~ though.not corpulent ·fomewhat of a ~uddyFace, __ w_ith Spar~ling ·Eyes, ~.~aribnp · lS J