Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

.to the Chief of Sin1ters. 1 I great greedinefs of l\1i~d, ft!ll &rndging that I could not be fo fatisfied with 1t as I would. This did continue with me about a Month, or ~ mere: But oneday, as I was ftanding. at a Neighbours Shop-window, and there curfing and·fwearing,and playing the l\1ad-man,after . my wonted manner,there fat within,theWo– nlan of the Houfe,and heardme; who though 1healfo was a ve~y loofe & ungodly Wre,tch, yet protefted that I fwore and curfed at that mofl: fearful rate, that fhe wc1s made to trem· · / ble to hear me ; and told me further, That I was the ungodlieft Fellow for Swearing,that ever fhe heard in all her. Life; andthat I, by thus do– ing,was able to fpoil all the Youth in/the whole Town, if they came but in my Company. _ 27. At this Reproof I was filenc'd,and put to fecret fhame; and that too, as I thought, before the God ofH~aven :·Wherefore,while · · I ftood there;anq h2nging clown my Head, I _vvifh'd with all 1nyHeart-that I ·might be a lit– tleChild again,that my Fathet~\rilight learnme to fpeak witiloutthis wickedway1offwearing; : for 1 thought I, 'I am foaccuftomed to it, tha£ it is but jn vain for me to think of a reformation, for I thought it could never.be. ~ 18. But how it catne to pafs, I know not; I . did~. from this. time forward, ·ro l~ave n1y · ~. Swear1ng, that It was a great wonder to my felftoobferve it; and whereas before I knew not how to fpeak,unlefs I put an Oath before, , and another behind, to n1ake my \vords have · authoI