Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

1~-s Grace abounding off, and forfook his Company; but about a quarter of a Year after I had left him, I n1et him in a certain Lane,and asked him how he did; he, after his old fwearing and n1ad way, anfwer'd, He was well. But,Harry,faid I,Why do Jo~tt [wear and curfe thus?What will become of you., if you die in this condition? He anfwered me in a great chafe, What would the Devil do for Company, if it were not for fuch as 1am ? · 44·· Abou~ this time I n1et with fom ~ Ran• tcrs Books that were put forth by fome of our Countrey-men; whichBookswereal[ohighly in efteem by feveral o_ld Proft!Jur-s~ fome of thefe I read, but was not able to make a Judgment about them; wherefore,as I read in them, and thought upon thern (feeling my felf unable to judge) I fuould betakemy felf to hearty Prayer, in this manner; 0 Lord, I am afool,and not able to know the Truth from Error ; Lord, leave me not to my own Blindnefs, either to. apprtive of, or condemn t,his DoCfrill : Ifit be of God, let me not de{pife it ; ifit be ofthe Devil,let me not em– brace it. Lord, flay rny Soul, in this matter, only at thy foot, let me not be deceived, I humbly be~ 1 feech thee.I had one religious·intimateCompa– nion all this while,and that was the poorMan that I fpoke of befGre; but about this time,he . alfo turned a· moft devilifh Ranter, and gave himfelfup. to all manner of filthinefs, efpeci· ally_Uncleannefs: He would alfodeny that there was a God, Angel, or Spirit;and would · laug,h at a11 exhorta!ion~ to,fobr~ety ~ When r