Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

r'· ~ 26 Grace ahounding For ·it Z:s neither z."n_him that wi/letl:J, nor in him that runneth; but in rlodthatfoeweth mercy. 6 r. By thefe tnings I was driven to my \Vits end, rtot knowing what to fay, or how to anfwer thefe temptations? (Indeed, I little thought that Satan had thus aifaulted me, but that rather it WelS my own Prudence, thus to ftart the Qpeftion ;) forth at the Elect only attained Eternal Life, that l, without fcru– ple, did heartily clofe \Vithal; but that my felf v;as one of them, there lay the <81efl:ion. 62. Thus therefore, for feveral days, I was greatly aifaulted and perplexed, and \vas often, ·when I have been walking, ready :to fink where I went, with faintnefs in tny Mind: But one day, after I. had been fo ' n1any ~'eeks oppre!fed and caft down there– with, as I was now quite giving up the Ghoft of all my hopes of ever atta-ining Life, 'that .·Sentence fell with weight upon 1ny Spirit, Look R.t the generations of Old, and fee: Did ,ever any trujf in God, and were confounded? 63. Atwhich I wasgreat1y' lightned,and .encouraged i'n n1y Soul; for thus at that very inftant, 'it was expounded · to me : Begin at ·the beginning ' of Genefis, and read to the end ~f the Revelations, and fee ifyo1t can find that there was any that ever tr~tfted in · the Lord, and was confottnded. So coming home, I prefei?tly went to rny Bible, to fee if I could find tb1t faying, not doubting but t-o .find it prefently : for it wasfo frefu, and . , .. ._ wi~h