Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief ofSin11ers; ~·1 :with fuch frtengili and comfort on tllY.:' Spirit, thq.t I ·was as if it talked with me. 6 4 • Well, I lo'oked, but I fou!ld it ·not,: o·nly it abode upon me:· Then I d1d ask firit this good Man, and then another, if they· · knew wllere·it was ; but they knew no fuch . . place. At this I wondet'd, that fucb a fen..; tence fuould fo fuddenly, and \Vith fuch corn~ · 'fort and !l:rength1 fieze and abide upon n1y heart, and yet that none could find it (for I doubted ,not, but it was in Holy Scripture.) · ' 6). Thus I continued above a Year, and cbuld·not find the place; but at lafr, cafring my eye into the Ap·ocrypha Books I found it in Ecclejiafi·icus, Ecclef 2. 1 o. This, at the firft, did'fomewbat daunt me, but becaufe by.this ·tim~l had got moree~perience of'the love and k1ndnefs of God, 1t troubled tne the lefs; efpecially when l confid'er'd, that though it was not in thofe Texts that we ca\1 Holy and Canonical; yet forafinuch as this ' fe~ence was the fum and ·fu hftance of .. n1any of the Promifes, it was my duty to take the comfort of it ; and I blefs God for that ·word, for it was of God .to me: That vvorddoth ftill,at tin1es,fhine before my Face~ 66. After this, that other.doubt did come with·fttength upon me, But how ifthe day of· Grace Jhould be pafl a~d · gone? , How if you · l1ave over-fty>oq the_t1n1e o~ l\1ercy? Now I · ':en1ember tha·t one·day, as ~ was :walkin' ,. Into.t~e .~O\l~try 1 I yvas much 10 the th011ghts · ~ ~· S' of