Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to theCI.JiefofSinner1: ~9 ., J~fus di.d' fpeak thefe words; -he then· did -;. think of ·me : and that he knowing the– time would come, .. thJt I -fhould be afflicted with fear, that there ·was no. place left for . me in his Bofom, did before fpeak this word, an~ leave it upon record, that I migJ-tt find belp)thereby ag~inft this vile-Tempta~: .. tion. · This· I then verily believed. · 96. In the light ·and enc9uragement of. ~his Word, Lwent a pretty while: and the comfort was the more, when I thought that ' the Lord Jefus fhould ·think on me'- fo long -:~ ago, and that he fhould fpeak ;··.them Wards ~ on purpofe for my fake.: for I did think . . verily, that he did on purpofe fpeak .them, . , toencouragen1e withal. .. _ 70. But l>was/ not- wit hout ·1ny ··Tempta– tions to go back again! Te1nptations·1fay, both from Satan, n1ine own heart, and /car"': nal acquaintance : · but I thank God, thefe were out-weighed by .that found fence of Death, and of the Day ofJudgment, which ; abode, as it were,continually in n1y view. I fhould often alfo thinkon ,Nebt-tchadneu..ar oa of whorn it is, fa id, He hadgipen him all the Kingdoms of the ,Earth,' Dan. S· I 8,-; 19. Yet, · thoBght 1 , if this great .n1an llad all his . porti_on in this ~ World, one. Hour. in Hell ... -. fi re would .make hirn forget .all. . Which.. Confideration \V·as . ~ .great help to tne• .7 r. I was alfo . n1ade, about this ~ time ; t9- fe.~ fon1ething ..concerning the Beafts'that.·.:. · · M()fes ,