to the Chief of Sinners: 31 Houfeof Glory, which is in Heaven'above. 72. Hereagain Iwas at a very great ftand ; not knowing what to do, fearing I was not called; for thought 1, if I be not called, what then can do me good? None but thofe ·q.·}lo· ~ a·re etfeB:ual1y called, inherit the Kingdom ofHeaven. But oh ! how I now loved thofe words that fpe~k <;>f a Chriftian's Ca!(ing! as when the. J.~ord fa1d to one, Follow rne, ~nd · to another: Come after me! And, oh, thou_ght J, that he ,v ould fay fo to me too ! How. gladly would I run after hiln !_ . . , 73- I cannot no \vex: refs \Vlt~ , wha~ long– ings and breatkiags in my Soul, I er ied to Chrift to call me. Thus I continued for a time, . all on a flame to be converted to Jefus Chrift ; and did alfo fe~' at that day j fuch glory in a Converted ftate, that 1 could not be con– tented without a fi1aretherein. Gold ! Could it have been gotten . for Gold, what· could .f have givenfor it !Had lhada whole World, it had all gone ten thoufand times over for this, that my Soul might have been in acon– verted ft1te. - 74· How lo"~ei y now was every one in ·my Eyes, that 1 thoGght to be converted l\1en and Women ! They. fhone, ·they ~alked tike a peopl:e: that carr1ed the Broad Seal ofHeav:e_nabout the1n. Oh ·! lfaw the Lot ·was fallen to them in pleafant places, and and they ha~ a goodly Heritage, Pfal. u5. ~~.! ~!~~.~ ~~!~~ ~.~d~ ~~ [!~k, was that of · · ---- Chrift ~---- --· '