Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

/ .;t Grace a!Jo-unding Chrift, in Mark; Fie went up into aMountah:; itnd called to him n'hom he woJtld, ar-~,d they · came unto him. Mark. )· I 3· · 75· This Scripture made me faint and fear, ·yet it kindled fire in 1ny SJul. That which made..- me fear, was this:. left Chrift fuould have no liking to me, for he called whom he wqu/d. But, Oh ! the glory that I faw in that Coridi tion did frill fo engage my heart, that I could feldom read of any that Chrift did call, but I prefently wifhed,, would I had been in theirCloaths, would I hadbeen born Peter, would I had been born John ; or would I had been by, ~nd had heardhim when he called them ; how would I have cried, 0 Lorq, call me alfo? · But, Oh !. I feared he would not call me. 76. And truly, t heLord let me go thus many l\1onths together, and fh~wed me · nothing ; either, that I was already, or fhould be called hereafter: But at laft, 'after · much time fpent, and many Groans to . God, that I might be made partaker of · the Holy and .Heavenly C'all ing ~ that w.ord came in upon me, I will cleanfe the,;r Blood that 1 have not cle~nfed, for the ~rJrd dwell~ ·., eth in Zion · Joel 3· 2 I. Th~fe words I · · thought were fent, to encour~ge me to wait ftill upon God ; and figaifi ed ttnto me, that . if I vere not already, yet tim'c might con1e , l1night be in truth converted unto Chrift • . 77· Anout ~h is t ime l began to break my mind to thoft; poor Peop~e in Beaford, and to