Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief of Sin11ers. 3S Good Lord, break it' open : Lord break the Gates of Brafs, and cut the Bars of /ton afun– der, Pfal. I07. l6, ' Yet that Word would create in my Heart a peaceable Paufe; I girded .thee, tho' thou haft not known me, Jfa. 4) .. 5· · 82. But all this 'while, as to the ACt: of fin– ning, I never was more tender th3nnow ; my hinder Parts were inward ~. Idurft not take a Pin or Stick, tho' but fo big as a Straw; for my Confcience was no\V fore, and would f1nart at every touch : I could not now tell how to fpeak myWords for fear I Ihou!d mif– place them. Oh, how gingerly did I then· go, -in all I did or faid ? I found my felf as on a miry Bog,that lboo~ ifI did put ftir,and .was there left both of God arid Chrifr,. and the Spirit, and all good Things. . ; 83. But I obferve, tho' 1 \vas fuch a- great ·finner before Converfion,yet God never mu(;h charged the guilt of the fins of 111Y ignorance , upon me; only he Ihewed me I was Ioft if I had not Chrift, becaufe I had be.en a Sinner. I fa\V.that I \Vanted a perfetl: Righteoufnefs, to prefent me without fa,ult before God ; and ·this Righteoqfnefs was no where to befoun~ but in, the Perfon of Jefus Chrift._ 84. But n1y original and inward pol1ution, tha~,that was tny plague andmy affiiB:ion~that I fay, _at .a dreadful rate,ahvays putting forth it f~lf within n1e ; that I had the guilt of, to amazement; by reafon of that, twas more loathfob1e :n my O\Vn Eyes than was a Toad, and