Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

38 Grace A!Jou11ding feeki ng rather prefent eafe from their tro'ltb!e; than pardon for their fin, cared not how they loft their guilt, ·fo they got it ont of their mind : No\v having got it off the wrong w~y, it V\ras not fanetified unto them but they gre\v harder, and biinder, and n1ore wicked afte'r their trouble, This made tne a.. fraid, and made tne cry to God the tnore, that it n1ight not be fo with me. , · 88. And now I \\ 1 as forry that' God had made me a mnn, fo r I feared I was:a Repro– bate: I counted man, as ·unconverted, the moft doleful 0f aH the· Creatures. Thus be– ing afflicted and tolfed about my:: fad condi· tion, I counted my felfalone, and .above the mofr of men, unbleffed. ~9· 'Yea, I thought it impoffible that ever I i fhould attain to fo 1nuch goodnefs ofheart, astt to thank God that he had made me a man.~' Man, iodeed, is ~he mofr noble by Creation,1 of all creatures in the vifible World; but b~ fin he had made- himfelf the moff: ignoblea ·· The ~~afi:s, birds, fifhes, &c. I bleffed thei~~ · condition ; for they· had not a finful natur~w they were not obnoxious tothe wrath of God~~ ~hey were not to go to Hell-fire after death;· I ~ouJd therefore have rejoyced', had-my con..J diti_on been as any of theirs. · t . 9~.. In this condition I went a great while·;< bus whe~n-et>nl~orting titne was corne, I h~_ard : one preach a Sermon upon thefe words in~~e SonfT,, (Son.t 4· 1.) Bekold thoJfart[at-·r, my Love ~ ~ OJ / be oidl '