40 Grace al:ounding me, He wift not that it was truc,rvhich WcU dotze unt.ohim ofthe Angel, Acts ~ 2. 9· . · 92. Then- I bega·n to g1ve place to the Word,which with Power did over and over make this joyful found within n1y Soul,Thou art my Love,- thou art my Love ; Andnothing fball feparate me from my Love: And with that,my heart·filled full of .comfort & hope, and now I could believe that my Sin1hould' be forgiven m~ · ; yea, I was now fo taken· with the love and mercyof God, that •I re– member I could not tell how to contain tiJl I got home : I thought 1could hav-e fpoken of ..bis Love,and of his Mercy to me,even to the very Crows th~t fat upon the plowed La'nds, before me, had they been capable to have underftood me : Wherefore 'I faid in my foul withmuchgladnefs, Well, 1 would I had · a Pen and Ink here,~ I woJtldwrite this down be· ' f ore I go any further, for forely l '!'ill not for· . tet this Forty Years-hence: But, alas! within lefs than Forty Days I began to ~uefiion all again , whieh made me begin to queftion all ftil1. 93· Yet frill at times, I was helped to be. ~ lieve , that it was a true Manifeftation of Grace unto my Soul, tho' I had loft .n1ucli of th~ life and favour of it. Now, abou.t a Week or Fortnight after this, I .was . much'·, followed by this Scripture , Simon; Simon, behold Sathan bathdefired to haveyou, Luk.22.; 31 . and.fometimes it would found fo l'oud,