Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to t!Je CIJief nf Stnners. 41 ~ within tne, yea, and,'as it was, call fo ftrongly after me, that 9nce above aH the _refl:, I . 1 turned my -head over my fhoulder, thtnktng verily that fome Man had, behind tne, called 1ne · being at a great _Diftance, methought, hedalled fo louu, it came, as I have thought fince, to have fl:irred 1ne up to Pr~y~r,___?Rdto Watchfulnefs: It can1e .to acquatnt me, - that a Cloud and Storm was coming dowu upon me, but I underftood it not. · 94· Alfo, as I remember, that time that it caUed to me fo loud, was the lafr time that it founded in mine Ear, but methioks I hear ftill with what a loud voice thefe\\7 ords, Si- " mon, Simon, founded in my ears, I thought verily,as I 'have told you, thatfome body had called after me, that was l1alf a l\1ile behind me: And altho that was not my l'farne,yet it made me fuddenly look behind me, believ– ing that he that called f:0 loud meant .me. ·95· Butfo foolifh was I, and ignoran t, tha t I knew not the reafon of t his fQund ( whi eh " as I did both fee and fee l foonafter, was fent · from Heaven, as an Ala-rm, to awaken me to vide for what was coming) only I fhou ld ufe and wonper in my rnind,to·think what ould be the reafon that this Scripture, and that at this rate,fo often and fo loud, fhould frill be founding a.rid ratling in n1ine Ears : But, as I faid -before, I foon after perceived the end of God therein. , ·