42, Grace abounding 96. For about the fpace of a Month after, a very great ftorm came down upon me, which handled rne twenty tin1es worfe than all I had n1et with before; it came ftealing 11 pon n1e, now by one piece, then by anothe~: Firfi,all my comfort was taken fromme,then darkriefs fcized upon me; after which whole floods of blafphemies,both againft God, . Chri{l.,and the ScriptJt!res,was poured upon my Spirit, to tny great confufion and afionifh. rnent. T hefe blafphemous thoughts were fuch as fUr red t1p queftions in 11,1e againft the Ye_ry IJeing ofGod, and of his only beloved Son: As, whether there were in truth a God, or Chrift? And whether the holy Scriptures \vere·not rather a Fable, and cunningStory, than the holy and pure Word of God? · 97.The Tumpter alfo would n1uch affault · n1e with this ; flow can you tell. but that the · Turks had tU good Scriptures to prove'their Ma· homet the Saviour, M we haveto prove our Je· fus u ? And could 1 think that fo many . thou• fands,in fo many Countries and .Kingdoms, jh 1 oJtld be wi thout the knowledge of the right IVAJ , to Heaven ( ifthere were zttdeed an Heavt'n) and t hat weonly, who live in a Corner of theEarth, fhould ;alone be ·bltffid therewith? .Ever1 (one ,. doth think his own Religion righteft, bothJews, ~tnd Moors, an4 Pagans; and how if all our Faith, AndChriff; 11nd Scripture!, fhould be bHt a Think fo teo? I . .