Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

Grace abou»rliniJ' . 0 . . this Tempta;iCJo, I fhoul d find my fv1ind fud .. denly put upon it, to cnr fC)lb a fwear, or to .:::fpcak feme grievous thing or:God, or Chriit :his Son, and of the Stri ptures·. . , · ·. 1 o I . ~ow I thought, flsrely I tnn j~tj}./Jed of 'the Devil: At other tinJcs again, 1 t hought I fuould -be bereft of n1y \A/its; for infle;·d of >lauding & magnifying of God the Lord with others, if I have but- heard hhn fpoken of .pre(ently fome n1oft horrible blafphemou~ thought or other \Vould bol t cu t of n1y heart again11 him: So that whet her I did think that ,God .was, or again did think there was no fuch thing ; no love,nor peace,nor gracious Difpofition coul d I feel within me. 1 o2. Thefe things did fink me into very deep Defpair ; for I concluded, that fuch things could not poffipl y 'be found arnongfr them that loved God. I often, when thefe ~emptations have been with force npon me, did c_on1pare my fel f to the Cafe of fuch a Child, who1n fome G_rpfe bath by force took tlp in rler ar ft1S, and is carryin ?, fron1 Friend and Country: Kick fomet imes I did, and alfo fhriek and cry ; but yf t I was bound in the Wings of the 1~en1ptatron ., and the \Vind V\rouldcarry n1e avvay .. 1thought alio of Stml, and of the evil Spi tit that did pc-ff~fs him; and did greatly fear, _t hat my condition was tbe ·fame \\'it.b that of h i s~ I S:1m. 16. 1 4· , 1 o3. In thefe days, when I . have heard other~ ta\k of 'Nhat \~~?as tl~ c Sin again.ft theJfo·