' li.7!f:. holyAngels,7hi.r poor fl'fnple lVretch dothhanker after n:e, as if1 hadnoth£ng to do with my mer· cy b11t to be{low Z:t OJt foch {;She. .Al~s, poor Soul! How .art thott deceived ! It is nfJt for foch as thee to h~Zve Favour with the H£ghes1. - 11 o. Then hath the Ternpter come upon me alfo with fuch difcouragements as thefe: You Are very hot for mercy , but I will cool you; this frame ]hall not ~aft always: Many have been ~s hot as yoft for a fpurt, but I have quenched their Zeal. (And with this, fuch and fuch,who were fallen oft ... would befet before mine Eyes.) Then I fhould be afraid that I fhould do fo too. But,thought I, I am glad this comes into my Mind: Well, I will watch, and take what l1eed I can. Tho11[hyou do, faid Satan, I ]hall be too hardfor you; I will cool you infonfibly b~y &legrees, by little and little. Wh~rt careJ, faith ]le,tho' 1 be Seven Telflrs inchi/Nng )'OUr Hear(if I ca,"1 do it llt !aft? Continual rocking rri/llu/l a cry ing Cbild ajle~p : I will ply it clofo but I will have my en~ accomp!tjhed. Though you. -be burn• ;;1g*hot ar prc.(ent? yet, I can pull yoN from thh· Fire , I fl;a/l have) 'OU cold before it be long. 1 r 1. Thefe th1ngs brought me into great ftraits; for as I at prefent could not find my felf fit for prefent death, fo I thought, to live long,would make n1e yet ffiQre unfit; for time ~ould make me forget all,and wear even the remen1brance of the evil of Sin, the'Worth of Heaven, and the need I f1ad 'of the Bl<;>od of C'hrift to W;:ilh me, both out of M.ind and, rhoughts :