49 ~ T hcfughts: But I thank Chrifl: Jefns, thefe · thinas did not at prefent n1ake tne Hackn11. . b d.d . crying, but rather . 1 put n1e more upon It, (li,keher who metwtth the adu!tere;~,Oeut.22.26.) ) in which' days that WflS a good Word to me, after I had fuffered theie things awhile; I ,fim perfwt$d.ed that neither heighth, nor depth, qeath,, nor !tfe, &c. j!Jall{eparate t# fi·o?n the l..iove of God,which is in Christ- jejiu, Rotn. 8. 38. A'nd~: now I hoped long life fhould not deftroyme, . nor make tne mifs of Heaven. _1 I~. Yet I had fom~ fbpports in this temp ...·· tation, tho' they were then allquefrioned by n1e;That in 1er.3. at the firft, \Vas fomething to n1e; and fo was the confideration of ver.5. of thatCha pter'; that tho' we have fpoken and done as evil things as we could,,yet we fhould , cry unto God, .lvfy Father, thou art the Gttide · ·of rn'yYouth :, and fhould return unto him. 1 I 3· I had alfo I once a fweet Glance from · that in 2. Cor.). t 2. For he hath m.1de him to be Sin for us, n7ho knew no Sin, th ..u we might be made the Righteottfiefs ofGod in him. I remem– ber thJt 9ne day, as I was fiting in a Neigh- , hours I-loufe,aod there very fad iat the confi– deracion of my n1 any blafph~mies; and ~s I , was faying in n1y l\1ind') ~Vhatground lulve I tfl think that I, rvho have been fo vile and abomin"'t• ble, J11ould tVt'( inherit Eternal Life? That Word came fuddenly upon n1e: J,Vh~etJl?a/l we ). [!~)' to thefe thin._'<s? If God be for UJ ·who ca1~ be ag6tinjl u1? H.om. 8. 31. 1: hat alfo was an , I C 4 ~ belp