Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

5ti... Gract abounding . fne,-~and con1fort nH! over andov·cr, both of' his O\V n Being') and the Bei ng, of his Son, Spi rit, and \Vord, andGo(pet · . · r27. Only this., as I fi.dd before, I wi11 fa y 11n to youag::sin 1 th.at in grneral, he was plea– fed to takethi~ courfe "}'ith n1e firft to foffe r me to be am:a~d \V ith telt.iptation, concern-– in g thetn:~ and th~:n reveal them unto rne : As fomet i tr~ ·::s I fuonld lie under great guil t for fin, t ven crufhed to the ground ther~w i t h ; . · and then the Lord 'tvould lhew n1e the death ,.C' "if. r! r. fi ·· kl · C r· or nn.h.. , yca~an ...\ 10 pnn e my on1cience· 1.:vith his \Blood, that I fhorild find , and that before I was aware, that in- that Confci'ence, w_here ·but jnft novv did reign and, rage the La~', even there vvould refi: and abide the Peace and Love of (~od, thro'Chrift. ·1 28.NowI had aq evjdence,as I thought,of my Salvation from lieavei1;\vith rr1any golden Seals thereon,all hanging in 1ny fight: Now· could I rem1zrnber this n1anifeftation, and the other difcov~ry ofGrace,with comfort; and thould often long and deJire that the laft day \vere come, that I might be for ever infia-rn'd vvit~l the fight, and joy, and conununion of him, whofe Head v;as crowned \Vith Thorns, whofe Face \Vas fpit bn;an'd Body broken,and Soul m(jde an Offering for my fins: For Vvhereas I lay before continuany trembling at ~he n1outh of Iiel1, novv 1nethought I was·got fo fa r t h~refrotn, that I could not, when I looked back, fcan~e difcern it : And Oh ! · · -- · ··· - -· - .. .. __., · ·. though~