Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

58 G-.uace abounding tat'ions ; nan1ely? Bla(p!Jemy, Defperation, and -· , the 1 i ke ; fhew i :g that the Law of Mufes, as well as the [)evil, Dea,th and Hell, hath a very great hand therein: The whic.h, at firft; was -very fl:ran0e to me; but conflderingand .: watching, I fonnd it fo indeed. But of par. ti_culars here, Lintend~ nothin·g ;only this tne– thinks I muft let fall before all rrten: I do . prefer this Book of Mtzrt iti Luther upon tl1e Gal /1-tians (excepting the HolyBible) before-· all the B8oks thar ever I have feen, as tnoft fit for awounded Confcience. . I 3 r. And 110w I found, as J:thought,that I · loved Chrift dearly: 0! methought, n1ySoul , cleaved unto him, tny-affections cleaved unto hhn: I felt Love to - h~nl as hot as Fire, and – now; as Job faid, I_ thought I jhqu/tl die in my · Nefl-; but I did quickly find thet' my great · Love was but little, and that I, who had, ay I .thought, fuch ~ulining Love to Jefus Chrift, could -let him go again for avery trifle. Cod · can tell how to a-bafe us, and.can hide Pride · ..from Man.· Q!1ickly after this, my Love was· , tried to purpofe. · IJ2.For after the Lord had in this tnanner; . thus gracioufly d-elivered me from this great·· and·f1re Temptation, and had fet me down fo.fweetly in theFaith of his holy Gofpel,and, r1ad given n1e fuch ftrong. Confolation, and bleffed evidence f~·om Heaven, touching my. . intereft in his Love, through Chrift; ·. the ~fempte.r-can1e t1p9n meagain,_and that with ·