Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

6t Gr.1ce atount!ing man bereft of li fe.,and as now pafi: all recove.. ry,.1nd bound over to eternal Pun~ibment. I 4 r. And withal, that Scripture did feize .upon my Soul, Or .prophane Perfon, a.r EfJu, , who,n,for qne morfel ofMePlt,fold his Birthright: .Ffir.ye.k11owj how thv1t a_(terwards, w_hen he would h4"f;te inherited the .blef{ing, he was rrjeiled ; fer he found no plttce of Repentance, t!:bugh he fought it carefully, with tears, f-leb~ I 2. ~6 I 7· 142. Now was I as one bound, 1 felt my felf fhut up unto the Judgtnent to come; no– thingnow for twoYears together would abide \vith n1e, but damnation, and an expectation of damnation: · I fay, nothing now would·a– bide with me but this, fave fome feV\YMoments for relief, as in the, f~quel you will fee. . 143. Thefe \VorCts were to n1y Soul~ li~e Fetters of btafs to my Legs; in the 'continual found of which,.I 'vent for feveral months to· gether.But about t~n or eleven a clock on that Day,as I \\'as v1alking under an I-1edge .(fu11 of forrow and guilt, God knows) and bemoan– ing my felf for this hard hap', t.hat fuch a thought f11oul.d arife within ·n1e, fi1ddcnly thjs fentence bolted irr on me,_.' The Blood of Chrift remits allguilt. At this .I made a i1and in my Spirit: With that, this Word took hold upon n)e, ,The Blq_Pd ~f1efiu Chn his Son (; letJ.nfet .!J tU froln all' s;n,. I John J = 7. ' \ I 44· Now I began to conceive Peace 111 my Soul, and methought I faw as if theTempter did leer and fieal away fi~otn n1e,as being a- . fha1ned