Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

/ to ,tbe Chie/ of ShJntrs. _ 6j -fh~~n:ed of what he -had done. At the fin11c -time >aifo I ,,had niy Sin and the Blood .of Chrift thus reprefented to tne, that n1y Stn, w'hen comp.1red to th_e ~Iood of Ch1 ift, was _ no more to it, than thts little clot or ftone be– fore n1e., is to thi:; vaft and ,\vide Field that here I fee. This gave me good encour8ge– ment, for the fpace of tWO or three }10UrS ; /in which time alfo,methought,l faw,by Faith, ·theSon of God,as fuffering for my Sins: Bnt hecaufe it tarried not, I therefore funk in tny Spirit, under -exceeding guilt again. - 1 45· But chiefly, by the aforementioned Scripture, _concerning Efau's felling of his Birth· right; for that ScriJ?ture would lie all Day long,a11 the-Week long; yea,all the Year long in myrv1ind, and holdme down,fo that I ·could by rio meJ.ns lift up my fclf; for when I wonJd ih-ive to tnrn tne to thisScripture, or that, for relief, frill that Sentence ·would be founding in me, Fqr ye know how tbat after– WtJrds, 1vhen he would have inherited the /Jlef ~ , he found no place of Repentance, thou(T hhe . ought it carefully with Te4r1. · 0 - 146. Sometimes, indted., I lbould have a touch from that in Luke 22. 31 ~ 1h4veprayed for thee, that thy Faith fail not; but it would ot abide upon 1ne; neither could I indeed, ~vhen I contidered my 11ate, find ground-to conceive in the leafr,that there lhould be the root of that Grace within rrie, )having finned as ,I had done. Now \Vas I torn an~l' rent