70 Grace a~ounding , yet could perceive,this iniquityofn1ine m'ig1 1 t be fuch as n1ight never he J)affed by. _ I6o.I was often now af!1a1ned that I fhould be like fuch an !lgly Ill an as}udas .: I thought alfo ho\Y loathlom I fho 11 ld be unto all the Saints at the Day efjudgment: Infon1uch that now I could fcarce fee a good man ,that t be– lieved had a good Con fcience, but I rnould ·feel my heart tremble at him, while I was in :his Prefence. Oh ! now I f<1w a glory in w~lking with God, and , what a mercy it was to l1ave a good Confcience before hitn, 16r.I was much about this time ten1p~ed to · content n1y fclf, by receiving fotne fa lfe Opi– Dion; as that there fhot1ld be nofuch thing 2s a 'Day'of }udgn1ent, that \ve f11ou1d not rife again~and tbatSin was no fuch grievous thing; the Tempter fuggefring thus, Fer tj theft thing_ J Jhould indeed be true., yet to believe other– wife wouldyieldyou ettfefor the prefent. Ifyou muft per:ijh, never tonner.Jt your feiffo -much be,. . forehllnd; drive the. thoughu of damnir:_g ottt ~f )'our mind, by poffijfing yo1:r mindwith fgme fuch Conclufior;s that Athe'i fts arjd R:1 nters do ufe to . help t hemfelvcs withtZl. · / 'I 6l. But, Oh ! when fi1ch thoughts have led thro' n1y Heart, how, as it were within a ficp, bath Death and judgn1ent heen in my view!Methought the Jt1dge flood at the door, I I was as if it vvas c.on1e alread v ~ fo that fuch thiJ . g~ could have no entertainrr1ent. But me· · thii)ks I fee by this, that Satan will -ufe any ·) / means,