Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to t!Je Chief of· Sinners. 7 t ·.. n1eans . to keep the Soul from Chrift ; .he Io.. 7eth n~t ~n· avvakened frarne ofSpirit; fecuri– ty,blindnefs,darki1efs and erro~4' i.s the very . ·kingdon1· and' habitation of.the \V1cked One. ., 163. I found it hard \Vork 110\V to pray to G-od, _becaufe defpair ~as fw~llowing n~~ up, I thought I \¥as,. as With a 1 ernpefrl ~n_ven avvcry fro·m·God ; for alwaJS when I cned to God for n1.:;rcy,- this \Vould come in, 'Tis tco /ate ; 1arrJ loft, G"~,t hatjJ let me fit!!, not to rJ!Y . correffion, b;tt conde1nnat'i{ln ; My fin is unpar– drJnable, and-1 know .concerning.Efau, horv that after he had fold his Bir-th-rixh t, he wouldhave receiv2d the b(effing,b~ttrvas rejeCled. About this tiine I did light on that dreadfnl1tory of that miferable mortal Francis -5pira: l\. ~ook that' · j was to my troubled Spirit, as·falt, Vllhen rub– bed into a frefh vVoL1nd ; every fentence in -· that Book,every_groan of that l\1an, with all the r-efr of his a<frions in his dolours, as his . tears,his prayers, his gnafhing of teeth, his wring.in~ of hands, ~i~ twining and tv;ifting, , Ianguifh1ng, 'lnd pining away under that ·. mighty hand ofGod that was upon him, was as Knives and DJggers in 1ny Soul;efpecially that fentence of his was frightful to me, Ma~ knows the begining o_f fin, but who 'bounds the lf{ttes thereof? ·rhen would the forn1er fen- - ) tence, as the Conclufion of all, fallli~~e an hot . thunder-bolt again upon n1y Confcience: for. you know how that afterwards., .when he would.· - I:Ja·ve'it~herited the bleffing., he rvas reje[fcd: fa~·- ·· ' D 3 I .