,--.- .. ' 7~ Grace abounding l?e found no place of Repentance,though hc.~ught tt c:arefit!~y with Tears. . 164. '"fben fho uld I be ftruck in to a very great tre:nbli11g, -infon1uch tl1at at fometimes I could, for whole .dtt)'J together, feel n1y very Body, as \V ell as nJy !Hind, to !hake and totter under the fenfe of the dread fu l judgn1ent of Gt>d,that Ihould fafl on thofe that have finned that moft fearful and unpardonable Sin. I felt alfo fuch ·a clogging atld heat at rny Storpach, QY reafon of this my ~ferror, that 1was,cfpe– ciatly at fo1neti 111 es, as if n1y breaft .. bone \Vould have fplit afunder: then I thought of that concerning Jud~1s, who by his f?dlint head· Jonc:.e; burjl a[under, ~1!i hisb '~ welsgufhed out,Acr .l. 16) .. I feared alfo that this was the mark that the .L0rd did fet .,-tJ Cain, even continual Fear and Trembling unci er the hea·~y lead of Guilt that he hac! charged on hinl for the Elood of his Brothe r Abel. This did I wind and twine, and finink under the Burthen that · was upon m~: vVhich Burthea, alfo did fo · opprefs me, that I could neither ftand, 11or go, nor lie~ either at reft or quiet, 1 66.Y-et that faying would fon1etimes come to n1ind,E-Je hath receivedgifts.for the rehellioUJ, Pfal68. 18. The rebellious, thought I ; Why, , furely they are fuch as once were nnder fubjeB:ion to their Prir~ce : ~ven ~hofe· wh?.,after they have fworn fubJecho~ to h~sGoYernme~t, have taken up Arms aga1nft him ; .and this, thought I, is my veryCondition ·: once11oyed