Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief nf St1nters. 73· bhn feared hitn, ferved hini; but now I am a Rebel, l have fold him, 'I have fai~1, let him go if he will but yet "he has Gifts for Rebels, · and then why not for me. 167. 1'his forr etin1es I tho·ught on, and rnould labour to take hold thereof, that fome . tho' fmall r~frefhment n1ight have been con~ . ceived by me: But in this ·alfo I 1niffed of n1y ~ ·; Ddire 1 I was driven with force beyond it, f was like a tnan going to execution, even by that Place mhere he wottld fain creep in, and hide him(e~(, bt1t n~ aynot. . - · · 168. Ag·lin ;after I had thus confidered the · fins of the S~-tints in particular,and found 1nine · .went beyond them,then 1 began to thioJc thus - with my felf:Set ~afe I fuould put all theirs to– gether., and mine alone againft them,n1ight I not then find fome Encouragement? For if · mine, tho' bigger than any one, yet Ihould be · but -equal"to all, then there is Hopes: For that Blood that hath Vertue enough in it to · \Vafh away all theirs, hath Vertue enough in it · to do away 1nine, tho' this one be full as big, if not bigger than flll theirs. Here again, I · , ·fhoulc! ,confider the fim of David, of Solomon, of Manaf{e'th,of Peter,and the reft of the great Oftenders, and fhould alfe labour what I · mi&ht, .with fairnefs, to.aggravate and height their S1ns by feveral C1rcumftances~ · 169. ·I fhould think with my felf; thatDa~ vid filed Blood tocover hisAdultery, and that by the Sword of thildren of Amman: aWork D 4 /that L . .·