Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Cbief of·Siii»ets~-- 7·)-1~ · Ril1 my heart,My fin was point-blank. -againfo.' mJI Savio1tr; an~ that. too,. a~ that hei.ght, ~hat · r had in my ·heart fatd of h1m, Let h!mg{) ifhe 1 vi/l. Oh, n1ethougl1t,this Sin was bigger than . the Sins of a Country, of a Kingdon1, or of;. tb'e whole World; no one pardonable, nor all of then1 togethcr;was able to equal rnine, mine ODt-went them every one. . · 1 73· Now I fhould feel n1y n1ind to flee ·. _ from _God, as frozn · the Face of a dre3dful ' . Jbdge; yet ' this was rny torn1ent, ,Jcuuld not· efcape his Hand:·(It ,.·sa fea;fifl thing tofaN in• · to the IJtinds - ~f the living. God, Heb. _I o.) - But~ . bldfed be his Grace, that Scripture, in thefe . Hying· fins:; would ca11, as running after me, I J ha-ue ·blottcdout, as a thick cloud, thy ' trtt~tfgrej':.. · ft;n.; and as ~t t:f.?ftd thy fin : :return thou ttlJto me, . for .Jhave redeemed thee, Ifa.44~22. This» Ifay') , would con1e in upon my·. 111ind, w·hen I ~ vvas ··; fleeing froni the Face of God ; .Jor l did flee ~ . fretn his :J'j ce, that is, my mind andjpirit fl~d · before.him ; ny reafon of his highne!S I conf<i . not endure: ·Then ¥v·ould theText cry,Rhurtt ? unto me: it \\ 7 ould cryaloud,with a verygreat ~ · vuice, Ret11rn unto me;fvr I have redeemed-thee, . Indeed 1 this would make n1e ffi]ke a .littleftop,-·. and.,as itwere, look O\"er my .fhonld.er behind ' 111e,to fee if 1 could difcern that the God of . Grace did follo\v n1e w·irh aPardon in his hand; , but I could no fooner do·that,but altwould be clouded and dar.kned vagain by that Sentence, ~ ~oryou kn~rP ~~w.that afterwards, when he would : D I hau