76 Grace abounding have infJerited the bleffing, hef~und , no place of Repentance, though he fought zt carefully with tears.\\lherefore I could not return,but fled tho' at fome'times it cried,Return., return,as if it did hollow after tne: But I feared too clofe in therewith, left it !hould not come from God ; for that other, BS I faid, \Vas frill founding in n1y Confcience) For you know how that ~t_(ter;wards, when he would have -inherited the blejfing, he 11>as rejeEled. &c. . 173. Once.as I was walking to and fro in a good man's Q.lop, bemoani~1g.of my fclf in my fad and do1eful tftate, affhthng my felf with felf-abhorrence for this wicked and ungodly Thought, lamenting alfo this hard hap of tnine, for that I fhonld co1nn1it fo great a fin, greatly fearing 1 01ould not he pardoned, }Jraying alfo in n1y heart, that if this fin of mine did differ fron1 that againfl: the Holy Ghofr, the Lord 'would fuew it tne. And being :now ready to ~nk with fear, _ fudd(~Jy there \~las, a :. if there had rgfhed in ·at the Window, theNoife ofWind upon rne,but!very ,pleafant, at:d as if I had heard a voice fpeaking, Didft evrr refufe to be juflified hy. the JJlor;d of Chrip? and withal, n1y whole life and profefl1on paft, \¥as in a tnotnent opened to n1e,whc~ein I was made to fee, that defign,edly I had not: So my H;:-a rt anfwered groaningly, No. ~fhen fell \vith Povver that VVord of God upon me, Sec that ~ye ref11fe not him that _{peaketh, Heb.12.25. 1"'11is n1ade a !trange feifure-upon n1y Spirit, . --- .. .. - ---- it