Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I . Grace A/Jounding Salvation tbereupon,but upon the Lord jefi1s !·n the Promife; yet feeing I am here unfold~ .. tng of my fecret 'Things, 1thought it 1night not be altogether inexpedient to let this alfo fhew it felf, tho' I cannot now relate the matter ~s there I did experience it. This lafted in the favour of it, for about three or four Days, and then I o~gan to mifrruft,and to defpair again. 174·· Wher:efore frHl n1y life hung in doubt before 1ne, 1ot knowin<T which way I jhould tip, only this l f0und myS~ul defl re,even to cafr it fel f at t he fcot qfGra ce byPraye t' andSuppli., ca t ion. But, Oh ! 'Tv a s hJrd for me now to bear th e F~lce to ~ray to th is Chrift fo r Mercy, againft vvhoh1 I had thus tnofl>vilely fi nued : '-fvvas hard Worki I fay, eo offer to look him in the Face :1gainft vv hon1l had fo vilely fin– ned; and indeed, I have four1d it as diffic ult to corn e t o God by Prayer, after backfJidi ng · from him, as to do any other thi'ng. Oh, the Shan1c t hat did nrw· attend me! efr,ecially ·when 1 thrJegb t I am nomagoing .to pray to .bi tn fo r ITlcrcy, tha t I had fo lightly.. efteemed but a wbile before! I wa~ afhamed; yet even confou!·lded , bectt ufe t his Villany had been connr:ittej hy me; :)u t I faw there v'as bnt one \Vay \vith !ne, . I muft go to ~im and hurnble n~.y f~l f unto him, and beg th ~t he, of ·his wonderfu l Mercy, wou ld Ihew Pity. to 1ne, _.and bave 1\1ercy upon :lTIY \Vretcheri fin– tt11 ~oul. ' /