Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

86 Grace a!Jounding. an cotnbined' together to banifh tne out of the· \ATorld ;. I was abhored of them, and ttrtfit to dwen amocg thein,or be partaker of their he– nefi ts,beca ufe I had fin ned againft the Saviour. Ob,.ho·w happy now was every Creature,over I was ! For they frood faft and kept their fra- . t ion, but I was gone and loft. 187. Then breaking out in the.bitternefs..of my foul ;I faid to my felf,with a grievous figh, How can Godco1njort ji,tch a wretch as I? I had no fooner fa id it,but this returned untome,as an EGthodoth anfvver a Voice, This fin is.not unttl death. At whieh I was ~s if I ·had been rai.. fed out_of the Grave, and ·cried out ~gain, Lord hQrv coHldft thou find ·out {ttch a ~Vord as this? For I was filled with Admiration at th~ fitnefs·,and alfo the unexpectedne_fs of thenm~ tence. 1-.he fit~efs ofthe vV ord the rightnefs . of toe timing of it, the power and fweetnefs and light and glo1~J7; that came with it-alfo .was. marvellous to me to find. I was now-;for the. time out of doubt, as to that about which I fo ipuch w.1s indoubt before: My fears before. were,that my fin was not patdonab1e, and fo that I had no right to pray, t') repent')e.Y-..c. or· that ifI did, it would be of noAdvantage or Profit to n1e. _ But now thought I, ifthis fin is not unto death, _then it is pardonable :, there· fore fron1 this l have encouragen1ent to come-· to God by Cbrift for mercy, "-tO confidtr the Pron1ifc of Forgiven_efs, as that tNhJCh. fl: ands · vtith open anns to receivc me as wen as others.