Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief of Sinners. .8 7 others. T his therefore was a great eafeFnent to my mind; to wit, t hat 1ny 11n was p"rdo– nablc, that it WG\S not the fin unto de. i th, (1 joh, 5· 16, 17.) None ~ut thofe that.k '! ow . ·what tny -rrouble (by their o"' 1 ll expenence) ~'as can tell what relief catne to mySoul by this'confideration. :·itwas a releafe tGn-1e fro1n m'y f~rn1er l~ond~; and a fuelrer from che for– mer ftorm : I feemed now· to fi:and upon _the funcgronnd with other finners,and to f~ave as go.od right·totheV/ord and Prayer as any of then1. J. gs.Now;I fay;I was in Hopes that my fin was not unp:1rdonable, but that there n1ight be Hopes fo~ meto obtain forgivenef:s. But, Ob, howSatan now did ·lay about hin1fo.r to bring me dq .J. n again! But he cou) d by no n1eans do it, neither this day, nor the moll: part of the next; for this gooJ fentence ftood like a l\1il~poft at my back; Yet towards the evening of the next day, I fdt thisWord be– gin to leave me, and to withdravv its filppor- .tation fro1n n1e, and fo I returned to my old __ fe~rs aga·in, but with a gre.at deal of flUdg– ing and peev iThnefs, for I feared the farrow of defpa-ir; nor could n1y Faith novv longer retain -this Word. , · I 89. Bt:.t the n_ext day at evening, befng under my fears.; I went to feek-the Lord and as I ,prayed, I ~rieg,and my Soul cri';"d t~ hitn in thefe word·s, with ftrong Cries; 0 Lord I hl{etch thee , jhcw me t!~;~t thoz,t haJt loved :ne with