Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

Grace abounding m·ewith an everlafting love, }er.3 r.3,"'. I had no foooer f~ id it 1 · but with fweetnefs this re. turned upon me as an eccho or founding a– gain, I have loved thee withan evcrlflftin(T love. Now I went to bed in-quiet; alfo when I a– waked the next n1orning, it \~"as frefh upon my Soul; and I believed it. 191. But ,yet the Tempter left me not, for it could not be fo little as cui hundred times, that he, that day, did labour to break my Peace. 0 h, the con1bats and conflias that I did then meet with, as I Jtrove to hold by this Word ! That of Efou would fly in my Face like Lightning : I fhould be fornetimes up and down twenty times in an Hour; yet God did bear me up, and keepmy Heart up– on this Word ; fromwhich I had alfo for fe· ' veral Days together very much fweetnefs, and comfortable Hopes of Pardon : For thus it v1as made out unto me, , !loved thee whil{f thou waft committing this fin, I loved thee before, I love thee ftill; and wfll love thee for ·ever. ·!91. Yet I faw my fin moft. barbarous~ and a filthy crime, · and could not but co_nclude, and that with great ihame and aftonilbment, that I had horridly abufed the I-loly Son of God ; wherefore 1 felt my foul greatly to , l0ve and pity him, and myBowels to yearn , towards him; for I faw ·he was ftill my friend,, and did reward me goo4 for evil; yea,theLove andAffection that ·therl did burtJ w·ithin,tomy Lord and c;avigur ]efus Chrift; - » . ' . did