Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the chief of Sinrerr. 89 · did work, at this time, fllch a firong ai1d hot Defire of revengement upon felf, for·the A;. ·· bufe I had done unto hirn , that fpeak as I then thought, had Iliad a thoufand (]allons of Blood within n1yVeins, I could freely then l1ave fpilt it all at the comtnand and feet .of this my Lord and Savio1~r. 129. And as 1was thus in mu fin~., and in my ftudies, confidering how to 'love the Lord, and te exprefs my love to hin1;;· that faying cam,ein 11pon me, Jfthott, Lord, jhouldeft 1nark t·niquity, 0 Lord, whoJhould fl and? but there is ' forgiventfs ft'ith thee, that tkou ma)'eft beftared, Pfal. I30. 4· Thefe were good words to n1e; efpecially-the latter part thereof, viz. That there is Forgivenefs .with the Lord that he might befeared; that is, as then I underfro.od it, that he might ne l~vea; and bad in reve– rence; for it was thus made out to me: That the great God didjtt .Fo high an ejl-eem up.on the love ofhis poor CreatJtres, that rather than he· wott!d gl) without their love, he would Pardon their'Tranfgrfjfions. 193. And now was that word fulfilled on n1e, an~ I \tvas alfo refrefhedby'it;., Thenfhall they be ajhame4 and confounded, dtnd never open their mouth any mf)re bec;tufe of their jhame,when I am pt~cifted toward~ t bem for all that they have done faith the Lord Got{, Ezek. I 6. 37· ·.'nus · ~~~ my Soul at this,tili.1e (and, as I then did. t~1nk fo/~ {Ver ) .fet at lib~rty ·frotn being af- fl1cted with n1y · fo~111er gullt and amazement. 1 94· Now: