Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

" Cafe.r ~fc_onfcit~ce tthou~· sincerlty Vfe i. To inftrutl us in this particular. Th-atthofe(many· timts)whoare much troubled about their dlate,may bt_very bldfcd and happy: Again, Thofe 'that have much fecnrity and quictnefTe of fpirir,may be very curfed and miferab.Je. Do ~not condefDn the godly man, 'Who h4th no refl inhis bone-r, and - 'Who bath the 11rrown of the Almighty fluck.,f4f in him.:' and • a_gain account not that man happy, 'WhD eateth, and drin~eth, and rifeth up to play; and faith, to morow /hall be M this day. ·Oh flay till the day ofdeath, till theday of judgement, and'_ · then take notice of the horror and condempation that will fall upon fuch fecurc Iinners: oh pray,Put meJn fear 0 Lord., that I may know my felfto be aJinner~ ~~~·*~*~~&~~~~~~~·~· . ~•!ll•m~~m.~~-.~-~m•~~~ SE R Me XVJ.·. SherPing how hard it u to he :acquaint~d with.the Corruptions andBrrors ofour Hearts and Lj1Jes~ ahd the yr•unds _of it. - ' . ' ' \ p SAL • 19• l2o Who c4n 'nnderj!IIJJ~hu ~rrors ?·cleanfe thou me ftom (ecre~ · firmes. · · · · Hitherto we have hand'Ied·that pratl:icall Cafe,which is fo • apt to overwhelme many of Gods children, vi~. That there may be, }M and iJ moreJinfulmf[c 'in their hearts then the)· can e-per dive into, t~nd therefore they are afraid they {hall be. found ·in the nHm~er of hJpocrites. Howfoever the fecure an,d ' · - · prefumpcuou§·,._