Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

' -166 'Ihe greAt 'ExAlters 1{~ri&e.J~ there flaviflt and tormenting fears, that carry pain and, UlX; icty with them are alfo removed: So the Apoftle John,I Joh. eap.4. Where love is, there is no fear, for fear bath tormenn with it, fac.h as aman findes that is tormented in his guts: Wonder not then, if the mourning and forrowfuH heart be thus glad of pardon, for it makes love to run like war-mblood througb all the veines: There is no wint~r or froft under this torrid zone. _ ji 5• where thu cleanfing id,t.here u afiliAil h,JJ,,Jf~, aNd an !M~ -A '-liall ~~l.d· ly c.nfidence ;,. all our approachu t1 God. And this frame of ~~~~, (pirit is more wonh then all the world : Aguilty heart, that feeleth no pardon, _makes 1 maa, with .Adam, run and hide bimfelf from God. The damned in hell, becaufe they fee no bope for pardon, cry to-the mountains andhills to cover them from the Lambs wrath : Ohbat remiffion of finne obtained by faiah, makes 1 man hold up his head ; its accompaniei with that fpirit of.Atl•ptlfnr, that makes us cry Ab/111 Ft~thtr• The gemiaation of the word, and the expreffion, crJing, de.notetb the boldnetfe, and confident- vehemency of the bear~: And Ephef.3· We have AcceJTe With holdnej{e throNgh , fAith.' Hence theApoftle, Heb.if.ult. having declared whaa a fufficicnt high Prieft W'e have in Heaven, the Lord Chrift,who 'htth fubducd our finnes for us, he condudeth, Let m come !J~Id/y to the Tlmme off?ACe. The Sceptcr is not held out, thaE invitcth us to come into his prefence, tiii our iniquities b.; pudoned : this is the great gulf that mnfl be firft removed.' . 6. Laftly, CleaHjit~g from ftnHe, id th111 Wele~me to AlllljftiBeJ. ~nd.-givet~ aa ffi-irit, bect~~u/e it giv1th !In heA'VtlllJ fortitude, 1111d admir11hle odtm.rabli up. (upp~rt in all IHtward tribulationsandmi[irieJ. R.om.S. When ~o;:Int:ib~~t: P~~~~ h~d treated of ju~ification, arid that nothing can be, dons. --- la1d to the charge of btm whom God pardonetb ; be then - · breaketh out into that great tri•mph over de11th, tfnd11/l other oppojitiBns: and on the other fide, every outward calamity breakcth into pieces,while the guilt of finne is upon us: Alas~ we are not able to induce any earthly mifery; when inward guilt is :alfo upon us: If there be the fting of finne within, and the fting of death without, ThuWounded.fPirit 'Whs c11n · ,- ~e11r ! Here afHiBion is added to. afflifiion, ancl not wine, --.- · - - - - ,~ - · but ·' · ...