Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

- i'he g~ut ExAlters 1{Grli?o: up()n them withoat them, when its nothing but fome di~ fiempers of humor within: So it is with the children of God, fometimes they have dreadfull _ and formidable ap· preheqfions about God, and his feverity, as one that did even feek an opportunity to damn, when all the ditlemper · is in themfelves : Its not any thing without from God, but ' their -fad unbelieving and fufpicious thoughts within: Do I llOt therefore let any trouble within op_pofe the 'free off.er of Gods grace without: but as no man ever hated his ownBelh, but cherilheth and nourLCheth it; fo do not thou thy foul, but cherifh it with imputed righteoufoeffe. 4· To teach people felf-cxam.ination and fiudy about the work of grace in themfelves, will not ex;clude a gofpel.life, unleffe WC preach{atufaEforJ and 1mritoriom Work.J to be aonc /Jy m, tD makg a recompence tmto God. Thns we jufl:ly corn~ plained of thofe times when Popilh Do8:rincs had covered the face of the whole Church; Then was the Sun of Righ· teoufneffe under a Cloud ; Then maas fatisfaClion and not Chrifis was exalted; Then the Popes indulgences hurried Gods indulgence in pardoning; Then fome relique of a Saint was more magnified then the obedience ofChri!l. Now it's an unreafonable thin~ in fome Antinomiam to call the doctrine of neceffiry of Rep:entance and a Grid godly lift, Popery, for thus the whole S~ripcare would incurre our rafh cenfure; Keep we then within thefe bounds and limits, and then fay~ Oh let the Miniflery powerfully fearch into every dark corner, let it finde out every falfe way, The more fear· ching and dofe it is,- the more welcome it will be to me: Thus there cannot be any oppofition againft free grace and Cfirift, from a true and- right prcffing of the inward, {lrict, and powerfull way of grace : We fhall Chew on the other fide, that a right magnifyin~ of C_hrift and p1rdon, doth not oppofe a daily follicitude at:ld holy trembling about o_ur felves : Now, then is Chrift and Grace rightly preached ·when it..s exalted according to the extent and latitude of the Scripture, for feeing Chrift is not only revealed to be a Sa– viour, but we have alfo his Commandments and manifoid du.tics which he enjoyneth us to obferve, he preachcth but Aa z - half