Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

'-' v[e. I The grtttt ExalttrJofCra(e:;;·; ha~f Chrifi that mentioneth only the benefits by him, and ·not thedutiesrequired al{o, Chrill: ·is the life, but he is alfo the Truth and the Way. He is the head, and all fulln'effe is from him, yet the members are to receive of this fullnetfe, fo that many mHlake .what it is to preach C~ri·fi, and th!= Gofpel; Oh they think you mull: t-ell them .of norhing but . joy and heavenly embracements ; ' Tbcty 'think ·y~u ' muO: in every Sermon make them likel'a.ulfnatched_up into the third heaven, whether in the body or out of the body they can· not tell, for certainly Paut was no Gofpel- Prea€her then'- be– caufe he is much in cornmending tfie powerfull praClife of all gnce.s, both _as we are Chriilians, and.as ~n 'fuch relations. Hence in feverall places are thofe many directions ahout has– bal'lds.a'nd wives,. and children, and fervams~-:. to do their du-. ties, fo that its not true Chrift,or the true GofpeJ, but ameer Jdoll of tpeir own brain, who do not pre:(ch Chrift 1 pardon of finne in the Julllatitude of the Scripture-dircd:ioi'\: There u forgivenef[e 'With thee that thoumayeft befe~rod, ·fakh D11vidi And how ~ot:lbly doth Paul thunder if! this' po~nt, Rom.1· I. What,foa/1 We ftnne that grace may flbound? God [9rbid. See here Pa11l bath a God forbid, that any fhould be the lelfc repder and fearfal1 to fin, becaufe grace doth abound; and tbus have I removed thi~ Objection, which I had a fit oc– cafion offered me to anfwer, from c_he connexion of D11vid1· complaint and his Petition. .(1 twofold Ufe may be made, Firfi, To difcover the folly of all fuch who boafi of grace, and fpeak much of the merrits of Chrifi, yrt are not afflicted with the known and un– known!finfullneffe that is in them, In pains, In calamities, They reil us of trufiing in Chrift, of hoping for pardon, but not a word of that loa.d and burthen which they finde fin to be upon. them; Thou mull: make a new Bible, and' bring a new Chriil, and a new way of pardon, if ever· fuch an one as thou art dofi exped: pudol). And Secondly 'Tts of Admonition to the godly, not like Rachel for her Chidren, fo thou for' thy finoes to fit difc.oofolate alwaies ,. and rcfu.fe 'to ~e comforted. Do noc_