Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

- \ - r ' ·:sEcT. VI. OfSinnes of Ignorance, Prefu~pti~ on, andReigning in a man; As alfo theMitigations and Ag.... gravations of Sinne• ..... - --- Of Sinnes of Ignorance; d nd how it comes about that a godly man ~ay ...... ~U"Ve infin and"not {now it. · p SAL • 19• 13. - CleAnft me ftom {e&ret jinne~:, L ......,. -· .- - --- liE are nowarrived at tbe lafi confiderable par; ticular in this eigth verfe, which is the object matter of the Petition, That from which 'Da– vid defireth to be cleanfed, vi:J:.. fecret jinnes: In the Hebrew it~s only fecret, and is for the _explicati<?n of e!!Ors, ~~!~~~~~~~cl ~~n~i~~e~ ~~f~re, ~gh. ' - . J.UC ' --