Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. ' . ~So Of8-innts 1[fgnwante: from ignarance,that doth not take offfrom the Gime. Hence we read that the Jews had their facrifices for their JinneJ of ignorance, Lev. .q;12, t 3· Lev.). I 5· and Paut, Rom. 7• calls .that finne,which yet he "Wot4la not Jea he hated: And as for that of Auftin, be bimfelf did not underfl:and it of originall finne, , but;oflatluall un'nt's: and whether a thing may be fa id to be \VOluntary; either immediately, becaufe directly and imme– diately willed by the will, or mediately and interpretatively, ' becaufe it is willed in the caufe of it: and thus originall finne, ·and all the finnes that are committed out of ignorance, error, inadvertency, they are voluntary ih the remote caufe, and fo cannot be fa id to becommittedwitho.ut the will. And as for the other rule, that invitzcible ignorance doth totally excu[e, that rnay be true in fome particular faCls amongfi men, but refPeElu juru divini, or the Law of God, there cannot be any c:xcufable ignorance ; for every .man is' bound to have a knowledge of Gods will, aitd fo his ignorance whereby he finnes, if a privation of a retl:iwde chat ought to be in every mans,underlbnding. Thus you fee,thac finnes are 6nne~, be- , caufe a breach of Gods Law, though we many times know them not eo be fo; and therefore 'Da~id by a holy caution ~nd godly jealoufie,doth pray a.g,ainll: fuc_b finnes. Obferv. Ghf. Its the duty gfgodly men to l1e h~mbledfor, and to de.ftre A godly man pardon of not only the .ftnnes they k_now andare COtJVincedof. 6ut hfuoulbdl d bfe evenofunk_nown Jinnes: He is to have an holy jealoufie; that um e or r. . his unknown fome unknown finne, tOme-und1fcovered finpe do not damn finnes. hilll; it may pe the,re m,ay be more danger fro91 t-hefe. then know finncs, becaufe w.he-n difcovered, they are more eafily . . withfiood and ihivc_n againft; but an unknown enemy, or Wh hence It IS an unknown difcafe doch eafily kill, {o aa unknown finne t Jt a man . . · may not un- may quicklydeftroy us. . _ _ d~dh.ad his 'fo open this DoClrine, we lhall 6r.fi difcover the,grounds Sinnes. wht'oc: ·~: may ari'fe '_that our f'innes he hi.d from us; how it I· maj c.eme about, . that aman doth not·t~nqe'rjlm'Jd huJinnes: And From che. 1. it a;·ifeth ji·Gm th6tt dangerouJ Wound ~;;;d d,ife~Zfe, 'Which i& wound!hltiS , d b · · l!Ji d l' h dl upon a m~ns mzn e ry or;f1tria mne: an a c~1oug a go y upoa a m:1 !S b d · h' . ~ d · h mindc by ori-? man e re~ewe 1_0 1s mmde,an have thts ey~·.f'llve, yet.t e ginall Sinne. Apofile f&~tb, We k.,now ·b.ut in po~rt. If ~he ~h1lofopher co~ld ' 1ay,