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of Sinnes oflgnorlf4&u: I8S fo~y, thateven in naturall cruths,our underEtanding! were but like nsrlu£ Ad folem, the Owfi'lJes to the SNnne; _how much more is this true,in,DiVine and heavenly things! No wonder thcn,ifthe godly lye in many finaes of ignorance, feeing they have knowledge but_in part.; and the Apofile in that comprehends his own felf, though tak!nup into the third HMve11.,. and hearing things unutterable. Yea and that in the time of the Gofpell alfo, when a greater meafure of knowledge is vouchfafed, Paul thought his former time, a time of childhood, beJPak.! And~enderftood 111 a childe: but yet', when he • comes to fpeak as aman, and childi(h things arc done away, _while he is in this life, Paul is not able to know all things by himfelf, and therefore he faid, though he /z_new nothingby hin~• {elf, Jet therein he \VtU not juftified,. hec~tufe it WMGod that judged, I Cor.4.4· Oh then how humb,le and debafed lhould Gods childfen be in their own eyes 1 for if chey do and can q,nderlland fuch errors, and fo mach ~lthindfe in th_cmfclves. t·hat they cannot indure and abide themfelves, what would they do, if they could behold all their deformities? - - 2• Thtrtfore the people ofGod cimnot fee all the fPots t~ndlde• 2 ·· mi[hes that are in themfelves, blcaufe of thei.,. /elf love gndfelf From ·ce1f– jlattery, the rcliqucs whereof are in the godly as well as love and (elf– other finnes, yea fometimes they are too active: We fee in flattery. David, concerning the matter of Bathfoeba, how fevere be was in· judging the fuppofcd ,man -chat was fo injurious in Nathans Parable; and he was fo farre blinded with felf.Jove, that he did not think he was the man. And thus' Jud~th alfo in the matter ofTham11r whom he had defiled, how zealous was he ! Bring her out to be hur11t, net confidcring that he was guilty ofadulrery. Now then if in grolfe finnes,a godly man may fo farrc love imf~lf, and indulge himfelf, that he fhall· not k'now his err rs, how much rather in finnes more diffi.. cultly found ou ,! Many fad failingS, aad divers mifcarriages the children of'God may run into, and yet have fnch a mift before their eyes,that they fee nothing : Others they wondtr and fay, How dare fuch if they fear God, if they have fete · the bitterndfe offin ne, if they know what godlincffe means, allow themfelvcs in f&~ch waycs ! but though thegodly fee in ~b many