Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. I ofSinnes 1/ Tgnor4ncu• fecret wayes of infinuating; it is like a Va!U~h, its iike {ad to Si{era; Sinne is a fweet poifon, it ticklerh whi~e it fiabbech: no wonder then, that a godly man may commtt finn.eand he not know it, foHhe firfi thing finne doth, is to bewitch him, - toputouthiseyei, to cak~away hisfenfeandfeeling; to do to a man, as N011hs daughters did to their father, make him drunk, and then hedotb he knoweth not what: Thus many kinde of finnes come with fuch pleafures or profits, or fair pretences, futable to flefh and blood, that the delight and content.they bring with them, make the godly for the prefent: be fecure, and they apprehend no danger at 1ll,; as Joflb came with a kind falute eo Abner,and thrufi him under the fifth rib, while A/mer thought of nothing but kindneffe. Thus it is with finne,it comes fmiling, it comes pleafing and humouring . of thee, while it g1veth thee that deadly !hbb. 1 5. .Thegodly do not underfland many oftheir jinnes,fometimef ~· !Jecau{e 6f cuflom and education: They have been1 alwayts Becaufe of cu~ brought up in fuch away, tht!y bave alwa-yes been accutl:om- flo:n and edu– ed to fuch ufag'es; now becaufe they were never reproached, catton. nor heard of the finfullaeffe oftbem, therefore it is,that,they ' do many things without fcruple or fear, ,which the godly of , greater light and knowledge dare not do. Thus the: Apofiley Rom.r).fpeaks offome w~o were 'Weak. in faith, by reafon of their education and cullom to Jewifh obferVJnces: They co\ild not but make adifference berwee~ meates and meates, between d~yes and dayes: This was their weakneffe, yet they could not prefently be brought out of it; and our Saviour fuppofeth this in that admirable and prudent rule h~ giveth, No man puttethnewWine into old /:;-ottles ,&c. Matth 9 I 7,. T)le meaning is, as appeareth by the occafion, No Minifter"that is ·- wife, will fuddenly pre~e high a~d morefublime duties eo· . thofc that are yet weak, and through cufl:om and education are not fit to receive fuch firong meat, but they mull be pre· pared by degrees : It may fall out then, that fome god1y men do bUild hay and fl:ubble upon the good foundation, and all the while, they think n~t,nor know its hay and fiubble; .and a greatcaufe ofthis,may be cufiom and education: 'they have not been brough-t up under better knowledge, and where better inft~uClion was to be had~ / ~ b ! 6.Sinnes