Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

t88 . 6. :Becaufe of their inward and imme• diate alliance with the heart of a maa. 7· Satans temp· tations. ofSimJes bf IgnDr4nc_e.J; 6. Sinnet "Jit) be hidfrom thegodly, ~ecaufe thq Are efamore inward and immedi11te alliance With the heart of aman: They arc the immediate Hfae and offspring of the foul, fucn are the thoughts, the notions, the ~imes and intentions of our heart: fuch finnes as tbefe,becaufe they are of a more fubtle and clofc nature, a m:m do~h the lelfe difcover them ; whereas for groifc adulll finne_s, thofe a man may more eafily be <::onvin– ced of~ Jfyou ask then, What are thofefinnes which a·god– ly man takes leall notice of? You will .finde, they are not groffe and outward tranfgreffions, but heirt-Jinnu, · tbe· thoughts, the intentions, the motions of the foul, a world of thefc may paffe through the' foul, and be never examined; You fee tht! Phari(ees could quickly difcern anv of thofe Ca·– mels, thole great,big finncs in a mans pradife, but then ~hofe gnau they co!J...Id fwallow down without any pain at aiJ, fuch , were the finnes of their l1earts, They made the outfide ofthe dijh clum, buc all the filth wu within: Oh tpcn how little do tbe godly ·underfiand of their heart..pollutions, tbe thoughts and intentions of their heart ;: Thefe are very undif~ cernable, you fee the very thoughts and all other aeh of the foul are hardly perceived, we hardly know when wnhink or will, much more ~hen do we hardly difcover the finfulndfe ofthofe adings of the foul: The Philofophers fay, We can. not perfe<frly , know the nature ofmvzteria prima, becaure of its imperfeCl: being, it being the next thing to nothing; and thus thofe moates that fly in the foul,we cannot difcern.thcm, unleffe in ·the Sun-beams, unleffe the Spirit ofGod by his word do enlighten our fouls, though fwarmes ofthefe flies ·are ·in the hearc,yet we_perceivechcm not. 7• SAtan he doth very hujil] a.Jfault the people of God_ an4 lempt them ta ji.nne: Now he bath no way fooner to overcome them,then by caftingamift before their eyes,' or by his cunning devices tQ beguile the godly, fo that they are not able to per– ceive the finne, till it be committed ~ fome have had a chari– table thought ofAnani.u and St~phira, as if they migbrbe fa ved for all that great finnc·of theirs ; but how corneth it about, that they lye and diffemble fo much? how is it thac they do not perceive the 1infulne1fe of it ? It was becaufe Sat11n