Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofSi11nes Dflgn~rA»ce. -189 s~toin hAdfilled bu hMrt, Ads ) •3. Alearned Cririck £ompa~ ·rcth it with that phrafc of being filled With the holy Gho.ft, or faith that as aman filled fo, is firongiy encouraged, and doth' not .confider the difficulty or dangers in his duty; fo AY!ani.u being filled with the devils fug refiiom, did no.,.t feel · or fear any rernorfe of confcience, any anger of God, ~ut was folly bent to !inne !lhatfoenr come of it. We have alfo an inllance in David, he will have the people numbred, though fOI!lb do never.fo much diffwadc: well, but when he . bath done, tb~n faith the text, hi& htar~ didfmite ht"nw, t_Sam. 'VI-·~. then he began to confider that be had finned, and he was greatly affiitl:ed becaufe of it. But why did not Davids heart fmict him before,that might have prevented much !inne? Its faid, Satan ftirred h/m up t~ numher hu people ; fo that as Juglers and conjurers they delude the fenfes, and make the appearances of th ings to be when there are no realities; fo the devil, through his wily and crafcy temptations, knowing the go.dly mans difpof.ition,and the fit occa!ioos for Hijne,deth fo.darken arid becloud his judgement, that he is carried into the deep pit-before ever het hink of it. Lafily, Onegreat caN{c, 'Why fo mNch r{the godl] mans fin ne 8. · _ may be hidfrom hu eyes, may be th~: "Want. ofa [Bund_ And foul· The want of . fearching Miniflry; That is the light, which makes us fee a found and ' thofe Toads and Serpents that we could not difcover b..fore • fcarching Mi· ' ~ , 'ft I Cor.14.25. The unbeliever, that comes into the Congre- m ry. gation, while the word is opened, bath the thoughts of his _ heart manifdled, and he falls down and wodhips God. · Thofe that lived under the Pharifees teaching, would never have been convinced, that the thoughts and affections of the heart were breaches ofGods Law; theydid not underfiand, that there was heart-ad-ultery, and heart-murder, as our Saviour infirutl:ed them : What aworld of !innes may a peo- ' pie live in, for want of a found and powerfull Minifiry? for if when t~e 1-i-g-hc doth fhin~, men for ~11 that love d~tr/z.nef{e more then lsght , and they wtll prefumptuoufly commit {uch . finnes, that they know to be fo, how ready and adive mufi: they needs be in fin.nes they do not knnw! · Bb ·3 Vfo