Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

'ig·o ofSinnes 1[lgnorante. .. ' V fe of Exhortadon to the godly, That,they be not confi · dent in themfelves, that they walk with an holy and godly fufpition of tbemfetves ; If thou dodl not findc ffi\lltitude ofhe'art·finncs within thee, even as the fea is full of w:ep· ing things; its not becaufe they are .not there, but beoufe -thou dodl not perceive them : What racob faid in at:~othcr cafe, Yerily thid u the houfe ofGod,and I k.,new it not, thou may– eft on the contrary fay, Verily my heart is a lodge of unclean thoughts, of proud, earthly thoughts, and 1 knew it not. If Peter had been thus affected, the devil could no-r have . tempted him to throw himfelfdown from the high pinacle as he did. V(e ofTC!rror, t• t~ll thofe ~ho live in k._no"tt9n ~tnd convinced jinnts: What,fhall David,, fo greatly bewail, and fo heartily beg thepardon of unknown fins? a_nd art thou fo obfiinate in finnes tfly own heart condemnetli thee for 1Father f(}rgive them, faid Chrift, for they k.n•w not "What they do : but how fhall we pray, !:orgive them,for they know what they do?