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ofSilmes 8{ Tgnor~nce_j~ ········t··~··· SERM. XXfii. -, 'Direffing a qodly man what to doe, who is afjlzfled under thip Confidera– that hecannot underflandall hu . tton, I errors. p SAL. 19. 12• Cleanft tbDII W?C ffom jt&ret fou/ts •. W, E have already difcovered the Grounds, why finnes . may be hidden from a godly .mans eyes: We now come to direEl to tbo[e Duties, "Which are required of 11 godly – man in thu cttfe:;For you will prefemly ask_; What then lhall: a godly man do, if thefe unknown Gnnes may be latitant in his breaft:? wllea he bath done all, yet he muft fit down with doubtings and uncertainties, faying, I may be damned for all my profeffion hitperto; there may be a crack, a flaw, aleak in me, and ~ ltav~ not yet found it out: Is not this to bring the godly foul into fuch a wilderneffe that it can never get out • I agam? · · 1,91_• The next thing tbereferc is to direCt to fuch Duties, as are required of agodly man, affi i8:ed under this confideration, . that becannQt undedl:and all his errors. And . 1. Therefore it u thy duty, greatly to humble thJ{elff~rall ~~ I thy unk_nown Jinn~s. Never '-to confcffe and bewail known Humi!iado.~~ ' finnes, but at th~ fam-e time alf~ to go further., and ackno\Y.: ~~r .unknown ledge all that htddc:n' and umi!k:overed filthmcffe Jn cbee. -lllil~s. For