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of sinnes D{ignorini:e.]? _ , 193 'i~ As 'We.a;e thm to /m~ail unk._no"t1n ftimes, fo We are dili~ 2. gently to try andfearch our hearts, that if P·'ffible we may bring Search the. . every hidden fin to ligbt; We mufi: do as the Artificer that puts heart for h1Jo: his mectall to tffe teft or tryall, to fee whether it be true or den Gns. counte~feit, fo mull: thou diligently and conftantly examine thy adioms, thy affections, thy intentions, thy heart; yea, all thou art and doG, by the Word of God; Bring thy felf into the Sun· light continually: -We rcade how the whole community of the people of Jfracl were chaftifed for Acbans finne, Jo/h,8 1 A fin they did not know was committed, nor had they any hand in it, infomuch that it is a great Q.aertion arnomg Divines,Why the whole body lhould be fo puni!hed for one mam fin, which they did not know or cooperate in: but you fee what way they were to take to finde i_t out, by calling of Lots, at lafl: it came to Achan himfelf; Thus do thou by thy jud~ing and felf-examination come nearer and nearer fiill to findc out every bidder! fin in thee ; for if through thy negligence and felf..lol'e tho-u art willing to cover and hide thy finnes from thy own eyes, never think thet.;t that thy heart is fo upright as it ought to be: If thou wile · not undcrfiand thy finnes for fear they fuould be a thorn in thy fide and a grief to thy eyes, know this is a great difcovery of a treacherous and falfe heart : If with Rachel thou. fittefi upon tfae Jdols-, · and makefi excufes, be fure that Text - will finde thee out, He that bideth hu fin ne foall. not projpcr, Pro.28.q. 3, As we are to make diligent fearch for fins that may be 3~ /atitant in eurhrcaft J, [o We are Jo jfir up o~tr memory, and to Look bick t~ look_hack_ to our former lives, that fo we may know and he· f.ur form.~~ wail thofe finnes _which are wholly forgotten by us; for in ms•. this refpetl- many finnes are hidden from knowledge; They . have been committed many years agoe, in our youth time:, in the daics of our vanity and prefumpcion: Now it may be thou hafi never had fuch finnes in remembrance; To this very day they have not been matter of bittel' complaint unto thee, and truly the people of God who are once wrought upon by Gods gnce, and put into thefe fpirituall travels of foul, may greatly be atfedcd with thofe particular firines that C c · - · ' lie