Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

194 of Sb1nes ~r rgn~r:tnti:J~- .., lie heavy upon the confcience, but then (or many other, efpecially if long ago committed, theyarc wholly forgotten ;.. fo that thro1!1gh forgctfullndfe there is many-a finne we take ' no notice of: D.revid and Jok did both complain that G•d maae t'hem po.Jfeff~ the Jinnes oftheiryouth;, and thus tbe godJy fhould bring to remembrance all, the vanity of their former daics: it may be many a finne, manyadebt is there in Gods – Book that is not yet cancelled or blottt4 out; For you muft know the Scripture tds us of a Book that God bath, where· in he writeth down all the· finncs we commit : Now it may be thete are finnes that art forty or thirty years ago corn.. mitted, and God bath them down in his Book, but thou haft clean forgot them as men do 0ld debts, thinking they are paid when they be nor;, Oh then Jet the people of God, if they would know all their fins, call mdr,eyes to their forme.r. · courfe of life; what hada been done by thee many years :a:goe~. when a childe, when grown up? It may be, if thou· fet thy felf to it, many thing~ may come to thy memory which thou hall forgotten : We reade of 1ofephs brethren, that they remembrcd their Gnnes againfi: Jofoph many years afterward, and then their confciences become to be crou.. bled, which before feem fiupified, and thus you muft know tbat all finne o_nce committed fiands unblottcd out, and is as ready to c:hm'n t-houghjtbe many years 6nce it was commit· ted,as if it was but y.efierday; Time that eateth up all thingg~·· and devours the ftrongeft things, yet cannot eonfu•me finne,, tiut the guilt of that is as vigorou~ and' damning after many years as if committed but the laft hour; fo chat if the godly would underfiand their erroun as much as may be, let thtm– r~flcct: upon former.daies, let them call their eyes back, and there they. tball fee many grievous and bad thiugs,it may be; As Jacob gGt a l.ameneffc in wrefiling which made him go halting all his lifetime ;It may be th<>u hafl: got fuch awouncl by fomefinne th,at may make, thee gohalting, bowed do~n" ~- and troubled all thy life time. · 4~ . _ 4· You are t9 takf noticeof a twfJjo/dRepentance, the tme u Take ~01~f'~ of expref{e,formall, and particular, the other u implied, virtual/, a , two 0 e- and h11bituall. An exprelfc Rep_entanc_e is-when the finne is F~emance, - ·- ~ .. , known , ' ' . ,,