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ofSin~Jei If Ignorant(.]: , 1 knowii mentioned, and forrowed for by particufar naming .of it. As when 'l)#tvid bewa11ed his h!oHd-gu;teimf{e, when Peter upon his denying of Chrift went out, and 'Wept hitter• I.J; and the ApoR:Ie he reproveth fome Ccrinthians, fearing . left when he came, he fhould not finde them humbled for ·their nncleanneffe, lafcivioufnetfe, and wantonneffe, 2 CDr. 1 t.zx. Paul required an e:x:prc1fe, dired repentance of thofe · finnes in particular, by confeffing and mentioning the parti· cular vilencffe and lothfomeneffe of thofe finncs. 2· There is a . virtuall and habituall Repentance, whereby a man js prepa· red and ready to repent of and forfake every' finne that he fhall be convinced of, 10d therefore doth in the generall confelfc; ~ll thofe finnes th~t may.b~ lurking withi~, andyet be not dtfconr them ; Thts Dav1d 10 the Text fpeaks of, and and fuppofeth in other places where he praieth that God would preve him and try him, if there were any falfhood in him : Thus among the Jews there were faci'ifices for fuch fins that they wei:e ignorant of; and this whether i.t were for 1 particular perfolt, or for the whole Congregation, NHmb. 15.za. fo thatthofe facrifices were by way ofcaution, of jea· loufie, that no fin might refi unforgiven unto them; Thus if a man do really repent of what finnes he doth know, and bath a prepared habit of heart to repent of and forfake all other finnes when he thall be convinced of them ; This man takes the direa way for his peace and comfort. , , -· Hence in the fifth place, Let the childe of God when thus 5': bewailing and examining, and habitually prepared to repent, Pray forth~ , earneftly and importunately pray unto G9dfr;r the pard~n ofthofe ~ardGn of h1d~ hiddenJinnes: As we fee ·David here in the Text doth, for if · en ns.: you are only bumbled for them, and fue not out for a pardon, you leave your work half-done, you do but goe one mile, where you ought to go two, and this is the very direct: 9ucy in the Text; whenfoever upon diligent examination thou findell: there are ftiH many more finnes then thou art able tG tlifcover, Then go to God faying, 0 -Lord, I know thereare many rocks in theSeaof my heart, which becau{e covered by water I may not eipy, -and fo be in danger to fplit my felf; }here are many fecret and hidden difeafe& in my foul, which C' ~ ~ can~ot