Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

; J9tl of simus 6j' Ignorance:.;~ l cannot finde out; Oh therefore forgive what I know ani what I know not, Cletznfe me{rom open andfecrtt ftnnes; It~s a trouble and a heavy grief to me that I cannot finde one all , Encouragethat flill there is more abomination jn me then I can 'difcover~ 1:nems for faith but they are noc fecret or hidden to thee though eome: Thou to .belee ve the knoweft them though I do not, and therefore 0 Lord\cleanfe pardfionof fe- meftom them: Now there are many encou ragemtnts why thy cret tnsupon c . 11... Id b fi .b. 1 G d '11 d r. a generall Re- 1 atth 1110U e rong to- e eeve · o Wl par on 1Uch fe· pemance cret finnes to thee• r. Firfl:, Becaufe they are the fins of daily infirmity comingfrom T hey_ are .fins m, andfor thtfe God giveth " daily pardon : They are pardon– of. daJ! y mfir- e·d·of courfe to the godly ; lf\Ve Jinne, We havean Advo'eate !lluy.- • "With the Father, ?eftu Chrifl the Righteom, he doth tfiere ef. pecially relate (though not e:x:cluding other finnes) to fuch finnes as through an ignorance and humane frailty we cannot - pofiibly ef~ape: Solomo1J faith, who is there that finneth not; zChro.6.36. and Janus-,lnmanJ things\\?eojfenda/1, J-am .;.z. and JfWe (ay \\?e have-no Jinne \\?e dtceive our {elves, I Job . 1. Now many of the godly are preferved from gro£fe fililnes, they may of a truth fay, no fuch finnes arc in them, bu.t then there are daily finnes of weakne£fe, and the fiirrings ·of cor• ruption in their hearts ; Now tbefe God doth coqfiamly par– don upona generall Petition: He knoweth our finful tem– per that Wf! cannot liv-e witho~t this dro'ffe, and therefore.he reneweth his forgivene£fe ev-ery day : But there are othcr:Jint of a m9re gro/Je andnotoriom guilt, if a godlfma·nfall into any fuch, there muft be a moYe (olemn renewed Repentance, There mull be earnell fuing out of amore particular pardon, as we fee -in David and Peter, Though God can as eafily forgive great finnes a~ ldfe ftnnes, yet he requirethgrearer things of us in the way ro have pardon for one then the other; Even a-s we reade ofChrifi, that though he could· by a word cure. all difeafes as well as fome, yet in fome, as in railing of L a-t,a• r m and others, he manifelled more exprdiions~ as if in it· felf it were a greater work though all one to him; .So then. thou maifi wdl hope to fpc:ed, for althoup,h there be no fins · v.eniall, fuch as for their nature are fo little that they do noc · deferve hell, y_et God.bath fo gradouOy ord'ered, that fuch : · " fhaU ~