Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of Shmes 1/ Ignorance: i11 fh ~11 not hinder-the ~fe and claim of his grace and ·pardon ; They are not fuch for which God will. bLd the_e keep out ~f bis fight, as Davia did Ab[alom fer h1s rebellion; _bot ~e 15 willing to forgive and communicate his fayot1rs though thus unworthy. , . - Secondly, Thou maift have a lively faith in fuch Petititms; ,z. /;ecaufe theje.ftnnes are d6ne ignorantly, for though ignorance Thef: li~:are. doth not excufe a toto, yet it doth a tantQ : God doth the doniign - rather pity when we do not know our fins, if in the gene· ram '1•. rail we bewail the~ : Paul fai.d, God h~d mercy_ on him becaufe he did it igmrantly, 1 Tim.x.I3· and Chrift praieth, Father, forgive them, for the) kzzow not What they dG,Luke 23 ~ 34,_lf then God be fa gracious au-o forgl~e finnes, though of kn9wledge and willingly committed~ when truly humbled for, then no doubt he will pardon hidden and fecret fins, where .he feeth ari heart prepared to repent of them if he knew them; Let · not then the godly be-dejetted under this Truth; Oh there may be·more fin in me then I am aware of, I may be damned for what I know not ; Oh this cannot be, as long as thou makefi thefe general! Petitions unto God, _and canft fay with ·Elipha~,Wh4t I ~(now mt teach thou me,· a_ndif 1 have offended ]Will do fo no more, Job.zo. , .- 1 .· _ · • ; , Now'co 'ibis dotlrine or truth, That a generall Repentance · is enough for- unknown finnes, we mufi adde a caution er two: As I, _Thu ~illnot hold 'W.hf?J 'We are willfully and induftr.iou(ly ignorant of our'finnesJ Whc.n men will not .und.erfiand. that they may d·owell, ;the~ ·~bi!· is 2 groffc and aQ affeCted igno– rance : very likely the Pharifees and chief Priefis in Chrifis time did not know that to be true which our Saviour laid to their charge, That they Were ravening WolV,ts, . that their in– fide was -altogether foul and unclean; , bqtwere they excu:– fed bevaufe the.y thought not of fuch pollu_tion:-w.it.hin them., felvcs? No, in no wr(e~ for t,hey we.re w.illfully-i-g11orant; If I had mt come untrJ them. they hadhad -nq fin, faith Chrifi, yea r hecaufe they faid, they did ·fee- and know, .therefore their· tond~mnation was the greater; So (~h. 9.· F~r b1dgtment 1 ·· came tnto the Wo~!d, t~~e !hofe whic.h_did fee might be blindc,. ~ £c 3, ' 11ni, - .